What You'll Get for $75

Full Chapter Review
Have an expert read 5,000 words of your work with a critical eye.

Suggested Edits & Mark-up
Receive a marked up copy of your submission with suggested edits.

Written Feedback
Get a one-page review summary with in-depth feedback and questions.
*payment accepted through PayPal, Transferwise, and e-transfer

How It Works
Here's a little walk-through of what's next once you submit
An email response within 72 hours
You'll receive an email confirmation that our lead writer has received your request. She will then reach out to curate your final purchase information and payment options for review of your submitted material.
You sit back for 5 to 7 business days
While our lead writer takes the time to review your work, you can keep writing! We only suggest that you refrain from going in to rework whatever you submitted before you receive feedback. You can reread it, but no edits just yet!
$25 ADD-ON
One follow-up email for questions
You'll get the chance to share your thoughts on the feedback and ask questions based on your chapter review through email. Our lead writer will provide personalized answers to your writing questions in an additional follow-up email to your inbox.
Your chapter review will begin
Our lead writer will proceed with an in-depth engagement of your 5,000-word submission to provide feedback on flow, structure, and content, while adding light edits and suggested changes to a copy of your work.
You receive your feedback via email
You'll receive an email with a marked-up copy of your submission, plus a one-page summary of our lead writer's feedback. Now you can go ahead and review the response knowing you have our full support to keep on writing.
$50 ADD-ON
20 minute live feedback session
Add a 20-minute live chat with our lead writer to your package and get your biggest questions answered in real time. We'll also focus on the biggest strengths in your work, while discussing how best you can work to those strengths in your text.
Let's get the review process started
Fill out the following fields and we'll be in touch to organize your chapter review process and to set up online payment through PayPal, Wise, or