Project Profile
Tools & Software
Google Docs
YouTube Studio
Skills & Services
Brand Launch
Campaign Management
Content Management
Content Creation
Social Media Management
Youtube Channel Launch
Discord Community Launch
Platform Management
Twitter & Reddit Engagement
Content Team Management
Who is Brother W Gaming?
BrotherW Gaming (BWG) is a premier gaming education brand launched in 2021 that emphasizes online community through the popular mobile game, Rise of Empires: Ice and Fire.
They offer gamers of all castes and creeds the opportunity to meet other online gamers, give their expertise, and even publish their own gaming content through BWG’s various online platforms, including YouTube, Discord, brotherwgaming.com, Twitch, Twitter, and Reddit.
With livestreams published weekly, and a consistent system of output for uploaded video content, BWG has seen a ton of popularity and success in its initial months as a start-up content brand in the online gaming education space.
Why BWG Came to ManifestCS
When BWG first approached Manifest Content Solutions (MCS), they didn’t even have a name. But like many other unique start-ups and new digital brands, they did have a great idea: why not emphasize community and education through online gaming, while having a lot of fun doing it?
With that in mind, BWGs team lead approached MCS in the hopes that we could not only create a digital presence online for their vision and content, but brand the whole thing while we’re at it!
How We Helped Brother W Gaming
Knowing the difficulties that come with building a streaming content channel in an over-saturated gaming market, and with the swift and diligent support of BWG’s team lead William Lowry, Manifest Content Solutions developed, communicated, and launched an entire online brand scheme for Brother W Gaming.
MCS first delved into the brand’s target game and audience, as well as the market surrounding them both. Then, on the approval of BWG's leadership, MCS began the development of the marketing materials needed to give BWG a truly professional touch—setting them apart from other new, potentially unmanaged gamers in the space.
MCS next moved to online brand placement, proceeding with the start-to-finish design and creation of multiple platforms under the name of Brother W Gaming. YouTube design required the development of a channel logo, banner, and multiple YouTube thumbnail images, not to mention the descriptions and customization options to go along with these. MCS then took to the web and built an online portal where BWG could begin posting additional content for their viewers, making sure to improve the meta of that site to optimize Google SEO.
Finally, we took the time to build out a discord platform where community members and subscribers could interact, where MCS personally built community engagement with new audience members and used social media marketing strategies to increase followers.
We then engaged the administrative and content management sides of this project by building out an organized file drive for backlogged media content and storage, and produced a tangible, step-by-step method for producing content that can be replicated by any new hires or volunteer creators with BWG in the future.
With these platforms and systems in place, and already facing the public eye, MCS has since returned content control to BWG leadership, and retains open consultation with their team!